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Uni-Ram Recyclers
- Provide clean solvent every day; clean solvent washes better and faster
- Eliminate the need to haul dirty solvent off-site for disposal; no solvent manifest to complete
- Lowers solvent purchase and disposal costs
Minimize Waste Generation
- For use with Paint Thinner, Lacquer Thinner, Heptane, Toluene, Gun Washer Solvent, Xylene, Acetone, Methanol, Isopropylalcohol
Easy to Operate
- Press Start: the solvent vaporizes and condenses automatically. Clean, pure solvent collects in receiving pail inside the recycler. Residue remains in a heat resistant bag in tank.Dirty Solvent can be recycled.Uni-ram offers a family of Solvent Recyclers.
Health and Safety Features
- Certified to UL Standard 2208 and CSA Standard 22.2 No. 30 and No. 88 for use in both non-hazardous and hazardous locations: Class 1, Division 1 and Class 1, Division 2.
- Operational control and continuous monitoring by microprocessor; many built-in safety programs; self diagnostic.
- Pressure relief lid and cover system prevents pressure build up over 1.0 PSI.